
At some point in your busy schedules ladies in midlife…I’d caution you to start a regimen of visualizations. It’s where you’ll begin to keep a writing journal/board/calendar of how you’re seeing your life evolving and what it is that you want out of life. It’s akin to how you pray to God really…you must ,in essence, know what you want before you ask it…you must believe that God answers prayers and you must be clear in how you ask for God’s blessing!

I started to visualize my wants/needs/desires/hopes & dreams for the futrue approximately 2 years into this journey of rediscovery…I’m here to tell you, what you put out there in the universe will come back to you, good & bad, so concentrate on seeds of good:) I’m a firm believer that when God created the heavens & the earth, the miracles of life truly abounds…

Recently, when I informed my daughter of the exciting things taking shape in my life, she intuitively replied “Mom, it seems like things are working just like you envisioned… That’s a fact… Women in transition; Began to… believe it, perceive it…visualize it…