Turn Your Negative Attitude Into Positive Gratitude

8096109-positive-attitude-or-optimism-concept--happy-smiley-face-on-yellow-sticky-note-surrounded-by-sad-unh“Don’t waste positive energy begrudging another person’s shine!” cf

Good Morning, wise women sharing authentic truths! Yep, that was a mouth full:) but trust and believe your journey to authenticity will not allow you to live your life ‘fake.’ Didn’t think I’d be able to post today (yesterday was insanely hectic) and yet, here I am. If you appreciate my quote, feel free to tweet it.

Spread Good Vibes & Good Feelings:

Doesn’t it feel good to know that you’ve made someone else happy? There’s nothing like seeing the joy you’ve helped make possible spread wide in smiles and laughter on the face of another person. Like the innocence displayed in a child’s hug, you can create those ripples of feel good moments with a daily ritual of positivity.

Some of my best feelings comes from knowing that a little bit of kindness on my part, helped to make somebody’s day. It feels good to feel good about doing something good.

“Let’s choose today to negate the negatives and inflate the positives”( CF)

Life as we’ve come to know it, is fleeting. If your world continues to thrive on feelings of ill will and wrongdoings, it’s time you did a humane analysis on the person you truly are.

I want you to take a minute to focus on the specialness in you. I don’t want you to waste anymore of your precious life source on negativity. Instead, turn your negative attitude into positive gratitude.
When someone else receives a blessing of favor, don’t harbor any jealousy or malice against that person. When you begrudge another their blessing, you diminish your own.  Instead, give congratulations from the heart and know that God’s favor is limitless! Your time to shine in your own light will come soon enough.
Don’t be a hater! Be a motivator and encourager.

I’m a vessel that receives and share good news because I am confident in whom I am and whose I am. “I ain’t embracing no green-eyed monster all up in my essence.”

(Ebonics has its place, y’all)

Keep being of service to others on the path to connecting to your authentic truths and don’t ever live a life of small mindedness and lack by begrudging other’ their blessings. Accept that we are spiritual beings living a human existence and that we are imperfect and flawed. Unfortunately the world is full of trolls, haters, instigators and opinionated folks.
Believe and trust that you serve from a place of knowing. Continue to follow your heart and keep a God’s mind.

“No weapon formed against you shall proper.”

I hope you stay vigilant on your journey. Keep spreading good vibes that rebounds into good feelings and work your purpose. When your season of opportunity comes, embrace God’s gift with grace and humility, and boldly shout how his favor in your life, led you to make your presence known in the world!

Be kind to yourself, work on your negative flaws and always treat yourself special.


A Family’s Love: An Authentic Message of Gratitude

Happy Monday women of vision and purpose! It’s been a whirlwind week of Thanksgiving dinners, family connections and giving thanks for the service and sowing of seeds from one to the other in humane acts of kindness.
thfam gratitude

This week, my sister took me on a shopping excursion. If you know me from my writings, you’d know that I’m not a mall crawler or care to spend longer than what is deemed necessary in a crowd of animated shoppers. Still, I was deeply touched by my sister’s generosity, which started me thinking about the kindness my entire family has shown me through some thick situational post nursing career days.


I’m blessed to have the support system that makes up my entire family. They are very encouraging and supportive of the work I’m doing with Authentic Woman.Their support oftentimes include words of encouragement, financial contributions to my shrinking bank account, taking me to doctor appointments and picking up my prescriptions from the local Pharmacy.

I decided to write this special post as my way of saying how grateful I am to have the love of my family.

No man/woman or child is an island. We can’t always do it alone. I appreciate the blessings and favor that God has for my life, in order that I might be a blessing in the life of others. I encourage everyone, but most definitely women, to find out who they are and whose they are on the journey to “becoming”. When you know who you are, your light will shine so brightly that even when challenges threaten to lay you down, some kind person will stop to offer you a hand up.


Most importantly,when that kindness comes from family,don’t take their gifts for granted! Acknowledge them with a heart of gratitude. And never give up on your “soul” purpose.

As always “Treat yourself special.”