Defining Your Authentic “Truth”

Apple Banana Pancakes with Maple Syrup

Image by joana hard via Flickr

Since 2004, I’ve been on a journey of becoming “me”. In essence, I’m redefining, rediscovering and reaffirming the woman I am. It’s what Kathryn Brehony, the clinical psychotherapist and author of Awakening At Midlife, calls a ” reawakening.” It’s like you’ve been sleepwalking through your life in your 20s, 30s and even 40s, to wake up one day and discover there’s so much more to the person you are.

At 20, truth be told, I could care less about the meaning of authenticity, or some journey to rediscovering my truth. my purpose and meaning that God had planned for my life. It was about experiencing all of the wonders that being out in the world had to offer. At 30 something, it was about putting my wants & needs aside as I concentrated on children, spouse, family,friends, and maintaining a sense of job security.

In my mid-40s  recently divorced and an empty-nester, I found myself literally asking “Is this all there is for me”? “”Is this who I am?” I was in search of finding my truth and thus, the journey began to becoming me. I’m up early to respond to some questions I find people have as they make their way to this blog , I’m assuming, in search of defining their “authenticity”. Folks search for:

1. The meaning of authenticity

2.How to become an authentic woman

3.The authentic woman experience…

First of all, there’s no special class for discovering your personal ‘truth.’ Your JOURNEY ultimately becomes your reawakening from living and learning from your own life experiences. By being present in the moments of life. Experiencing and surviving the good, bad and ugly of  life and by knowing that you are spiritual, yet, you’re  living a human existence, you will come to know your purpose. You will find your meaning and discover your  passion along the way.

Webster defines authenticity as worthy of acceptance or belief. Not imagining, false, or, imitation. You become genuine, bona fide, like the maple in maple syrup (webster again) and the brand name instead of generic (my analogy)) anyway you slice it, when you embark upon your journey, you’ll know it and embrace it wholeheartedly.

P.S. I’m off to breakfast in a couple of hours with like-minded friends. We’re celebrating the fact that we don’t have to work today and we can gorge ourselves, just because! Feel free to share your journey to truth.



6 thoughts on “Defining Your Authentic “Truth”

  1. You are so great about tapping into our truth. I like how you analyzed the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. I am in my early 40’s and recently divorced, raising four sons, and I’m asking myself, Who am I? What is my purpose here on this planet? How is God using my unique gifts and talents. Am I a solo act for the rest of my life?


  2. Hi Mary, the answer to that last question? Definitely not! You are on the right path and exactly where you’re supposed to be in this awesome thing called “life”.

    In the words of Ms. Gwendolyn Brooks, “keep-a-going!” and yes, she really did respond to my questioning my purpose in life, just that way:)

    Blessings to you and know that you are “enough”…Iyanla Vanzant
    Everything else will fall into place.



  3. Clara, there’s just something about your posts that are so refreshing. I think it’s because you have lived enough to have acquired wisdom, and you are at a place where you feel free to share it honestly, and in a way that it serves others. That’s a beautiful thing. And I really love that you ended by sharing you were on your way out to spend time with friends. Recently, Mary (above) and I and another girlfriend had a chance to hang out for 24 hours, even though we live in separate states. It was a beautiful thing (I blogged about it on Peace Garden Writer). It filled me with joy knowing you would be among “like-minded people,” filling up your reserves. Taking care of ourselves is the first step toward taking care of those around us. You’re obviously keeping up with that and that’s a very good thing. I’m sure you enjoyed every moment. 🙂

    Thanks for the light you provide us. I also enjoyed your breakdown of the decades. Very insightful and I would say close to what I have experienced as well.



  4. Roxane, It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Yes, I had a lovely time as I’m sure you/Mary & friend did as well. It’s great to just spend time with folks that get you:) Anyhow, thanks for yours & Mary continued kindness and support. I truly appreciate the feedback!

    My life experiences has given me plenty of food for thought, that’s for sure and at my age, I hope to encourage other women that whatever “it” is on their journey to awareness, it most definitely will get better:)



  5. I am in my early 40’s and reconnecting with myself. I don’t think all these years I have not been authentic, but I do believe that I am now so strongly connected to my authentic self I have no guilt in traveling this path.
    I feel like I did in high school, the world of possibilities of life are open to me without boundaries. How great it is!
    I”m writing. I’m starting a business. I’m celebrating the happy everyday.


    • Hi Nichelle, thanks for visiting & do appreciate your stopping by! Yes. it’s definitely freeing when you embark upon your personal journey of reawakening. It’s an awesome thing this knowing, embracing & loving the truth that is you…



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